We hear it all the time “direct from the factory” or “factory closeout”. But, do you really get to buy factory direct? Here are some tips on how to get the real deal and why you want it.
Save money
That’s the biggest reason – and it’s easy to understand. Factories make goods to make money. Shippers ship goods to make money. If you buy direct, you pay for shipping to your door – not to a company warehouse or distributer where it gets shipped again and again. When you buy direct, you cut out all those middleman shipping costs – and the markup that stores tack on so they make money. Simply, you pay less – much less. -
Better customer service
Ask your questions and get expert answers. If a customer service representative or factory salesperson helps you, they are going to know more about their product and give you better answers and better advice. Plus, a manufacturer is more invested in their product. They will be more accountable when you have a problem and work harder to satisfy you. -
More accurate orders
No one else is trying to tell someone else what you want. You’re talking directly to the place that will fill your order.
Do your homework
Find out as much as you can about the product you want to buy. Search the Internet and see if you can find the manufacturer. See if they sell online or see if the price is lower if you go to one of their retail partners as listed on the site. Compare prices to see where you can save. -
Check out e-commerce
Search the product you want to buy. You will find factory direct retailers on the Internet with great prices on everything from dishes to mattresses. Read each site carefully and compare prices whenever possible to find real factory-direct retailers. Call and see if your questions are answered fully and ask if they manufacturer the product or have someone else manufacturing it in their name. -
Buy online carefully
You can’t touch it. You can’t sit on it. You can’t always be 100% sure you’ll be completely satisfied so if you’re buying factory direct online, make sure that you understand the company’s return policy.
If you can buy direct at a local store or online, go for it. Investigate – do it carefully. Make human contact – even if it’s by phone or Internet chat – and see if they can answer all your questions. Make sure if you aren’t happy that you will be able to return the product. Then, relax and enjoy the savings.